Courier Service Point

postage prices

Prices from $6

Type of shipment

Tiny Package
8 x 4 x 2 IN
Up to 0.5 LB

pakke pris

Thin Box
13 x 9 x 1 IN
Up to 1 LB

billig fragt

Small Box
13 x 9 x 2 IN
Up to 5 LBS


Ord. Box
16 x 10 x 8 IN
Up to 9 LBS


Moving Box
28 x 16 x 16 IN
Up to 55 LBS


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Prices from $6


Prices from $6


Prices from $6


Prices from $6

Type of shipment

Full Pallet




Prices from $6


Prices from $6

Prices from $6 compares prices from

Leman Express

Types of Services available

Door To Door
Access point to Access point
Access point to Door
Terminal To Terminal


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You can send documents, packages, pallets and containers.


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Nowadays, courier companies are gaining popularity as they offer a wide variety of services that can meet different needs, like International deliveries, B2B & B2C deliveries, and next-day deliveries. To meet these needs, courier companies have always been coming up with different ideas. One of them is creating a Service point for their customers.

Service points are specific locations where customers can pick up and drop off shipments quickly and conveniently without stressing too much. Do you always order online, however, don’t have the luxury of waiting for the courier to deliver to your door? Then service points are an ideal choice for you.

As a customer, you don’t have to wait for delivery to your doorstep. Also, you can easily ship packages by dropping them off at a service point near you. We offer service point services for different courier companies. Some of these companies are renowned and you are familiar with their service. However, the service point is just a way of making you have a streamlined shipping experience. Using our courier service point you have many things to gain as a business owner and individual.  

Benefits of using our Service Point

Streamlined Experience

It becomes relatively easy to receive and deliver items using our courier service point. This is now a common option among business owners and individuals who are looking for the best way to send packages securely and quickly. Service point provides a more flexible experience than most shipping options. It is very important in shipping packages and offers a quick and safe way to ship goods from one place to another.

Help you increase customers’ satisfaction

Using our Service point can help your store become a base for customers looking for a wide range of services without stress. It's very easy to use for business owners, and therefore you will be able to increase customer satisfaction easily. Not only will your customers enjoy reliable shipping services, but they will also benefit from free online tracking, packaging quality, and transparency.

It is always good to be a business that customers can trust by having an excellent shipping service. While cutting costs and eliminating the waiting time, you will also get to be able to heighten the experience of your customers.


Save time and money

Service point saves you stress; however, it saves you more money when you decide to use our service points. When making a choice of a carrier to ship your package, we help you compare all important courier services and offer a quote for each one. This will allow you to choose the best that’s suitable for your location, package length, and weight.

Sending packages using our service point is relatively easy. Instead of waiting for packages to be delivered to your home, you can pick them up here. We will notify you as soon as your package arrives. You only need to bring a valid ID card when coming to our service point. In addition, to make things more convenient and flexible, you can have access to our service point during the day or night.

Eliminates the cost of delivering to residences

The recent growth in demand for courier service offers a revenue opportunity for carriers and other supporting channels. However, this can only become more beneficial when there is a delivery alternative to reduce the cost attached to shipping to the customer’s doorstep. 

Shipping e-commerce packages to a specific location (residence) is costly for courier companies. Residential deliveries especially with low volumes always come with a lot of expenses and in some cases can become so expensive that it will jeopardize the entire e-commerce business.  The solution is to provide a cheap home delivery rate that allows them to combine multiple delivery locations into a single service point for pickup. This is not only good for the carriers but also allows them to offer customers excellent service.

Wrapping it up

Beyond a regular shipping option, service point offers flexibility that will be beneficial to all businesses irrespective of what they offer. As a courier service company, ensuring customers get maximum satisfaction is at the heart of what we do. And that’s why service point is included as a part of our courier shipping option to make sending and receiving packages easier for business owners and individuals.
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