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where to put shipping label on box usps?

The best answer for where to put a shipping label on a box for USPS is to place it on the largest side of the package, preferably the top or the side. It should be placed in the center and not on a seam or edge to ensure it is easily visible and scannable by USPS personnel. Additionally, it is important to make sure the label is securely attached and not covering any important information or barcodes on the box.

1. Where should I place the shipping label on a box when using USPS?
The shipping label should be placed on the largest side of the box, preferably on the top or the side that will be most visible to the carrier. It should be affixed securely and flatly to ensure it is easily scannable.

2. Can I place the shipping label over seams, tape, or other labels on the box?
It is recommended to avoid placing the shipping label over seams, tape, or other labels on the box, as this can make it difficult for the carrier to scan the label. If necessary, remove any existing labels or tape in the area where the shipping label will be placed.

3. Are there any specific requirements for placing the shipping label on a box when using USPS?
The shipping label should be placed in a clear, visible location on the box, with no obstructions or overlapping edges. It should be securely attached using clear packaging tape to prevent it from becoming damaged or detached during transit. Additionally, the label should not be placed on a curved or uneven surface, as this can affect its readability by USPS scanners.