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what to do if usps says delivered but no package?

1. Contact the USPS: The first step is to contact the USPS and provide them with the tracking number for your package. They may be able to provide more information about the delivery and help locate your package.

2. Check with neighbors: Sometimes, packages are mistakenly delivered to the wrong address. Check with your neighbors to see if they received your package by mistake.

3. Contact the sender: If the package was sent by a company or individual, reach out to them to let them know that the package was not received. They may be able to assist in locating the package or filing a claim with the USPS.

4. File a claim: If the package cannot be located, you can file a claim with the USPS for a lost or stolen package. Keep all documentation and communication related to the package delivery to support your claim.

5. Consider additional security measures: If packages frequently go missing from your address, consider adding delivery instructions for the carrier, requiring a signature for delivery, or using a secure delivery location.

1. What should I do if USPS tracking shows that my package was delivered, but I did not receive it?
If USPS tracking shows that your package was delivered but you did not receive it, you should first check with your neighbors or anyone else who may have accepted the package on your behalf. If you still cannot locate the package, you should contact your local post office and file a missing mail report. You can also contact the sender to inform them of the situation and ask if they can assist in locating the package.

2. Can I file a claim with USPS if my package shows as delivered but I did not receive it?
Yes, you can file a claim with USPS if your package shows as delivered but you did not receive it. You can do this by visiting the USPS website and filling out a missing mail search request form. You will need to provide details about the package, including the tracking number and a description of the contents. USPS will then investigate the situation and attempt to locate the missing package.

3. What are my options if my package is marked as delivered by USPS but I never received it?
If your package is marked as delivered by USPS but you never received it, you can also consider contacting the seller or retailer from whom you made the purchase. They may be able to assist in resolving the issue, such as by offering a refund or sending a replacement item. Additionally, you can consider filing a police report if you suspect that the package was stolen after being delivered.