If you need to stop a FedEx delivery, the best way to do so is to contact FedEx directly. You can call their customer service line at 1-800-463-3339 and provide them with your tracking number and request to stop the delivery. You can also use their online tracking tool to manage your delivery options and request a hold or redirect the package. It’s important to act quickly, as once the package is out for delivery, it may be more difficult to stop it.
1. How can I stop a FedEx delivery that is already in transit?
If the FedEx delivery is already in transit, you can contact FedEx customer service at 1-800-463-3339 and request to have the delivery stopped or rerouted. Keep in mind that additional fees may apply for rerouting a package.
2. Can I cancel a FedEx delivery before it is shipped?
Yes, you can cancel a FedEx delivery before it is shipped by contacting the shipper and requesting them to cancel the shipment. If the shipment has already been processed by FedEx, you may still be able to request a cancellation, but additional fees may apply.
3. What are the options for stopping a FedEx delivery?
You can stop a FedEx delivery by contacting FedEx customer service to request a stop or reroute, or by contacting the shipper to cancel the shipment before it is processed. Keep in mind that there may be additional fees for stopping or rerouting a delivery, and the options available may depend on the status of the shipment.